Unix Help File Notes

Unix Commands all ECE Grad Students Should Know

Good computer habits and etiquette

Notes on various things

Public & private key authentication with SSH.
1. Run "ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 1024", enter a password if you like.
   Just press enter to have no password for authentication.  This
   generates two files, "id_rsa" (private key), and "id_rsa.pub"
   (public key).  By default these will be in "~/.ssh/".
2. Copy the the contents of "id_rsa.pub" into the file
   "~/.ssh/authorized_keys2" on the remote system.
   Ex: "cat id_rsa.pub >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys2"
3. Copy "id_rsa" to "~/.ssh" on your local system if not already
   (Append if it's already there?)
4. Now simply login using "ssh user@host" and a password will no
   longer be required unless you set a password on your key files.
   (What are the "key files" and how is a password set on them?)
WARNING: Protect your private key by keeping it in a safe location.
Someone who has your private key can login as you without a password,
even if you change your password.  If this happens you will have to
generate a new public/private key pair and follow these steps again.

VCL | ECE Dept. | UC Davis

Last update: January 28, 2014