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Getting Started in the VCL Lab

This page lists tasks needed to get setup in the VCL group.

Since our major restructuring in the Summmer of 2019, text in gray font below needs to be updated.

1. Get access codes to the labs

2. Keeping in touch

    Email your mobile phone number to Dr. Baas.

3. If you will use crepe, and until crepe is rebuilt as a group machine: Set default unix group to "vcl" (so file group ownership is correct)

4. New computer account on the VCL linux machines

5. Install the CoE VPN

6. Set up your ~/.cshrc file

7. Picture for the main VCL web page

8. Setup a google calendar

9. EEC 290C and EEC 299 (or EEC 199 for undergrads)

10. Join the VCL Slack channel

11. Check out a git tree (KiloCore and other things)

12. Optional: Check out an SVN tree (AsAP2 I think)

13. Optional: Check out a CVS tree (AsAP1 I think)

14. Optional: Add AsAP-ASM syntax highlighting to your nedit.rc file (less important in 2013)

  1. Run "nedit -import /net/pizza/tools/bin/DOT.nedit"
  2. Click "Preferences" -> "Save Defaults" -> "OK"
  3. Restart nedit by running "nedit"

15. Read some of our introductory papers

    The best papers to read will depend on your own project direction, but these papers will be informative for all new students (read in the order listed):

16. Jobs for Dr. Baas

  1. Get added to the VCL netgroup (allow logins to VCL machines etc.).

    Update group file: /afs/ece/labs/vcl/admin/users

    and send the following email to IT support: I have added a new user, please update the VCL netgroups.

  2. Add to my email list.

    choose UCD gmail account
    → g,c
    → / student_name
    → click on appropriate email list (inlab, phd, ms, ...)
    → ×
    → close tab

  3. Add to email list. Dr. Baas will add you using this link.

    ManageSubscribers > Add a user > Add > then after address has been added, click on the email address in the main table and add their name there.

  4. Add to google drive.

    google drive
    → choose UCD google account
    → MyDrive
    → VCL Documents
    → VCL Documents pull down triangle
    → Share
    → Advanced
    → enter name
    → Done

99. When you graduate after you have filed your dissertation/thesis

  1. Prepare two versions of your thesis: 1) one for whatever the university wants which I believe excludes the copyright page and has some weird restrictions about headers on pagers, and 2) a normal version for posting on the VCL website. Send the second version to me.

  2. Archive all of the LaTeX for your thesis in /vcl/doc/theses/loginname/ including a Makefile which is able to compile your thesis into pdf. Please verify it works.

  3. Remove any personal material from your account.

  4. Archive your work in your /home/loginname/ home directory. Remove large files that were generated by a tool that are not necessary. Add README files in every major directory with helpful guidance for a future student to pick up your work.

  5. Probably is it a good idea to tar and gzip a copy of your entire /home/loginname/ home directory and take a copy with you.

VCL | B.Baas | ECE Dept. | UC Davis

Last update: 2021/08/20